The Culture Impact Team exists to educate, equip, and mobilize the church and community on issues affecting faith, family, and freedom.

Educate and Inform
We educate and inform our Pastor and congregation about legislative threats, government and cultural infringement on our rights of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Outlet for Action
Gives an outlet for action for those in your congregation who are passionate to see our culture and our Government return to Godly values
Voter Registration
Provide voter registration in your church and in your community
Organize and staff petition drives, rallies, appearances at our state capitol and visit our legislators
Meet Your Legislators
We bring Colorado Legislators to you!
Experts and Key Influencers
We feature key influencers and experts in several culture and political fields that matter most.

Want to start a Culture Impact Team?


Ken Davis

Team Lead
Ken is unwavering in his mission for truth and justice in Colorado elections. His passion to serve and educate others is an inspiration as he leads our Colorado CIT. 

Pastor Mark Cowart

Team Lead
Pastor Mark is the senior Pastor of Church For All Nations, celebrating 35 years this year. His passion to educate, equip, and mobilize congregants, and to never compromise on moral issues, propels the team in their vision and mission. 

Linda Taylor

Linda is the administrator of CIT which started in 2019, and maintains the database, contacts speakers, produces meetings, and coordinates communications.  Linda joined after seeing the outrage of what's been occurring in El Paso County. 

Anne Porter

Education Director
Anne is a retired SPED teacher of 33 years. After seeing what has been happening in education, she knew she had to get involved. Anne has been part of CIT leadership since 2019 and part of the group years before that.


Our CIT is unique that we have the privilege to live stream our meetings. Church For All Nations provides a robust service experience for in person or online participation. 


We have featured amazing guests and partnered with notable organizations.
We appreciate their contributions. 

Sherronna Bishop

Sloan Rachmuth

Mark McDonald, M.D.

Col. Shawn Smith, USAF, Ret.

Senator Dave Schultheis, Ret.

Sherriff Richard Mack